A better life for every human on earth.
We aim to make digital, financial and economic inclusion a global reality in the next 8 years, and we need your help.
Why inclusiveness?
We envision a world where no one has to worry about where their next meal is coming from.
We live in a world of abundance, yet some have such excess and others are fighting for their survival. This needs to change.

New Business Models
Based on a more cooperative basis, allowing digital platforms to accumulate less and broker more, sharing the rewards more equitably. We need to have visions of successful digital platforms that are based around profitability and sustainability and good remuneration to build strong teams and hold them together, but also about distributing wealth more equally across the people that genuinely create the value.
The current economic system hides the real cost. It exploits people, animals and our planet — people who create the value get the least (farmers, factory works and gig-workers), animals who are treated inhumanely and our planet, it is the main driver of greenhouse gas emissions as the existing economic structures reward growth at any cost. The way growth is achieved today is simply not sustainable.
Add-on solutions
Add-on solutions are those that extend current solutions to those the for-profit sector hasn’t reached. E.g. offline digital payments to extend mobile money networks to areas without access to network coverage.
The current economic system enables companies to provide services and solutions where it is profitable for them to do so. There is little or no incentive for a mobile network operate to provider mobile coverage in remote areas, even when the users there can afford to pay for the service - there just isn't enough of a customer base.
Here's where new technologies can help develop add-on solutions that can then be adopted by existing providers.
Cost Neutral initiatives
Providing cost-neutral financial and digital access, e.g solar kits repayments are cheaper than buying kerosine to burn a lamp, has proven to be great way to drive penetration, because the barrier is only awareness and not cost.
Where possible, inefficient use of resources should be replaced by new efficient ones. Another example is MillionICU.org an initiative to convert 1 million step down ICU using smart monitoring technology allowing one nurse to monitor 100-150 patients across 8 wards from a central monitoring cell.
What have we been up to?
Pioneering offline digital payments for people who live in rural areas without power and access to network coverage.
Curating & distributing existing education content to accelerate remote learning, focusing on building foundational knowledge & skills.
The platform economy is creating lots of jobs and our goal is to help them bring low income people on as service providers.
Become part of the collective community contributing to a brighter world in innovative and transformative ways.

This is our home. It has an abundance of resources to offer. We want to see every community with access to clean energy, water and sanitation.
{Change} starts with humans first.
To create new, and better systems, we must first change how we see and think about the world.
Our systems are broken. Growth at all costs is unsustainable, not just from an economic standpoint with crash after crash, but more importantly the impact it is having on our planet.
No longer do injustices go unnoticed - the collective rise in consciousness has given way to an exciting opportunity for us to make use of the abundant resources this planet has to offer and find better ways to co-exist as a global community.
What it means to become part of Inclusive Action Lab
Key Research
If you're looking to roll up your sleeves this is a great opportunity for you to learn more about the needs and potential solutions that can solve problems. Our aim is to pair two researchers together to help and support each other and publish papers.
Project Management
Here's your opportunity to scope out a project and find the resources and people from our incredible community to help bring the project to life. Add your details to our list and we'll be in touch with projects you can captain.
Professional Services
Are you an architect, accountant, consultant, designer, engineer, doctor, lawyer or teacher, looking to go beyond your day job by contributing your time? There are lots of opportunities to put your skills to use. Add your name to our list and we'll be in touch!
Development Specialist
You've been working in international development for a few years and would like to bring your expertise to the lab. We'd love to have you - tell us about your work below.
Social Entrepreneur
You're someone with an entrepreneurial bent, but rather than making millions, you want to have social impact. You're in the right place. Let's talk about your vision for a better world.
Offer your time, knowledge or network with us so we can come together to inspire and drive change.

serial entrepreneur and inclusivist.
Albert Einstein said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Which is why we need to deepen our understanding and begin building a more inclusive future. One person at a time.
Join me on this journey and together we can create a world worth leaving to the next generation.
Hosted by Janet Shulist, Arunjay Katakam and Jenny Frydrych, we're covering the latest news, research, and analysis of mobile and digital tools for improving development outcomes around the globe.
Read Arunjay’s blog or check out his curated resources for all the Info and insights you might need.
If you’re a change-maker, big picture thinker and you want to see the world a brighter, more inclusive place, we want to hear from you.
There are constantly projects on the go that need passionate people to lend a hand. Add your name to the list and we'll let you know what's happening.
As a professional in your space, you have tons of value to add. We'd love to hear from you - we're always looking for people like you to lend us time and expertise.
You're an entrepreneur at heart but rather than making millions, you want to have social impact. You're in the right place. Let's talk about your vision for a better world.